Why Litokol? The Very Best Grout for Swimming Pools, Spas, and Wet Area Applications

Litokol epoxy grout and epoxy grout products are highly prized throughout the design and construction industry for their high level of performance as well as for the aesthetics that they bring to the table. Litokol, with its headquarters in Rubiera, Italy, has been promoting innovative solutions for professionals in the construction industry and the design world since 1968. These innovative products are ideal for many tile and design applications. One of those applications is “wet area” environments. Traditionally, wet environments have been a problem for grout, particularly those that are cement based. Here we will talk about how Litokol’s Starlike grout is perfect for outdoor application and other environments where moisture can be an issue for inferior grout products.
The Best Grout for Outdoor Use
It’s important to note that cement-based grouts are a no-no for outdoor use or for anywhere else where there will be moisture. The reason is simple. Cement-based grouts are porous and prone to moisture absorption. Cement-based grouts need to be sealed, and even with proper sealing, moisture will eventually make its way into the grout. This can not only cause mold to form on the grout, it can weaken the grout and cause it to eventually begin cracking and falling away.
The best choice for outdoor use is a good quality epoxy grout. Starlike epoxy grout from Litokol is the best choice. Starlike grout is durable and able to resist moist conditions. It’s perfect for outdoor use because its strength and durability allow it to withstand the elements. What makes it even better, however, is that Starlike grout is safe for the environment, safe for installers, and safe for consumers and their pets. That means you can enjoy the strength and reliability of high-quality epoxy grout without worrying about the dangers that many other epoxy grouts present.
Not Only for Outdoor Use
Starlike epoxy grout is not only perfect for outdoor use. Swimming pools, spas, and showers also benefit from the water- and weather-resistant properties of this exceptional epoxy grout. Its strength and durability make it impervious to high levels of moisture and humidity. In fact, Starlike is so resistant to moisture that it is the perfect choice for swimming pools. Even constant exposure to water doesn’t produce any negative effect. That means your tile installations will last the lifetime of the tiles.
Water- and Weather-Resistant and Aesthetically Pleasing Too
Not only is Starlike Epoxy grout from Litokol one of the most durable epoxy grouts you can find on the market, it is one of the most aesthetically pleasing grouts. Starlike comes in 159+ colors and finishes, giving installers and designers almost endless decorative possibilities. Whether you are installing tiles in your kitchen or bathroom, sprucing up a spa, or bringing personality to your pool, Starlike epoxy grout has a color choice for you. There are classic colors for use in kitchens and bathrooms via our Classic Grout Collection, vibrant glamour colors for hotter, flashier applications via our Glamour Grout Collection, and metallic colors for a more modern appeal via our Metallic Grout Collection. For swimming pools and spas, where a little reflective brilliance goes a long way, there’s the adaptive color reflecting beauty of Starlike Crystal Glass Grout. With its stain-resistant, non-shrink, high compression strength characteristics, Starlike Crystal Glass Grout is perfect for pools, hot tubs, and other wet environments. When used with our beautiful custom mosaic tile collections, there’s simply no way to get a better aesthetic appeal and superior strength and durability than with Starlike grout. The creative possibilities are endless.
There’s no better epoxy grout for your pool’s tile, a spa, or even outdoor areas such as patios and walkways. Starlike epoxy grout is the choice of professionals over the world, renowned for its low toxicity, its ease of use, and its superior quality. When you’re ready for an epoxy grout that can stand up to the wettest environments, choose Litokol’s Starlike epoxy grout. There’s no better choice.
You can read customer testimonials in our customer gallery or check out examples of Starlike applications to help you get inspired via our application gallery. We also recommend checking out the Tile Doctor blog for helpful articles, tips and ideas you can use in your tile installations. Trust Litokol Starlike epoxy grout and grout products for your next tile installation.